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Writer's pictureFiona Tanner


I forgot to do my Friday tips last week! - so here are a few tips all rolled into one BLOG!

First of all, yesterday I attened the Laurimar Lakeside Community Markets. A huge congratulations to the team. I believe they had a continuous amount of people from 9am - 2pm, so well done on the market guys superb effort and I look forward to being at another one.

I had a stall there and was showcasing Colour Analysis. I was really surprised to see that about 50% of people knew what Colour Analysis was and maybe 50% didn't. People have seen it on TikTok, on Instagram (on social media).

Colour Colour Analysis has been around from around the 70's maybe, maybe even before that you could probably put me wrong. There was a lady I was talking to yesterday said she she had her Colour Analysis done in the 80s, so about 45 years ago. I don't know why I know that ;). Now this lady was told.... and funny because I noticed this as I looked at her and what she was wearing as I thought she was quite stylish and she had some green boots on, dark denim jeans, a strap shirt, a puffer jacket, cream, puffer jacket, blue glasses, greyish hair, no black. She was told never to wear black! So 45 years later she has stuck to that. In fact, it doesn't mean you can't wear black, but we ideally don't want black up near our face or a colour that doesn't suit us. So she also had green shoes on she loves green but again, it wasn't one of her ideal colours so , they're on her feet.

Back to the market! It was quite surprising about how many knew about colour analysis and how many didn't but the amount of people that did know of it has seen it on social media, and were really interested and surprised by it and surprised there was someone local that did it. So here I am Doreen! Super local - face to face or online.

The amount of people who were wearing black and then who said "oh no I'm happy to wear black" Now colour reflects light so if you're wearing colour it's going to reflect light up onto your face. If you're wearing black which also isn't a colour it's not going to reflect anything up to your face except maybe a 5 oclock shadow!

So it might think of my work the video, it depends with the filming. So there is nothing black about me. I've got light hair, I've got medium blue eyes, light skin, there's nothing dark about me. So why would I wear a dark color?

I do wear black for my PT & Bootcamp business and yes I'll be changing in the New Year. Cause why would I wear a colour that It doesn't suit me versus a colour that does?

(check the video of the black versus the coral jumper!) I'll leave that there. So when we're wearing colour and it highlights our features or harmonises with us it makes us look more alive & healthy whereas black when I used to wear black a lot I would have to wear dark eye shadow, really darken my eyebrows and really kind of make my makeup darker to match the dark colour that I'm wearing around my face, other wise I looked drained.

But now that I wear lighter colors, I don't need to over accentuate anything on my eyes because usually the colours that were up near my face are already going to match my eyes or harmonise with my eyes/skin. So when I put blue on, you've seen a video of me on my socials with my blue my eyes will look a different colour. They'll probably look more blue & when I'm wearing coral my skin looks a different colour, I look more healthy.

The right colours bring out your features. It intensifies everything and can enhance your features.

Colour analysis face to face takes roughly around one to two hours. We work through your undertone if you are light or dark which will then lead to your perfect palette.

If you've got super dark hair, I'm not going to put you in pastels because it's not going to go with you. If you've got dark hair, you're going to be more drawn to the darker shades of colour not black! And if you're super bright like your eyes are bright your hair might be bright blonde then your colour swatch will be brighter. Then we can look at makeup so if you've got blue eyes what eyeshadow will make your eyes pop or if you've got brown eyes or green eyes. What lipstick you should wear. With lipstick, a good example it kind of can relate it to the black clothing. If you go to put on a red lipstick and you can see what it does to your skin (red & blotchy) if it doesn't suit. There are cool and warm reds so if we look at a rule sort of like a cherry red usually that's a bit cooler so if I put that on the cool colour the skin around my lips change. Well, they look like it changes and it does nothing for me. Where is if I wear a coral which is warmer and softer, it just matches me. I don't feel like I'm washed out. The skin colour doesn't change , well if anything it makes my cheeks look a little bit brighter and my eyes probably look a little bit bluer. So think of it like that. When you go to put a lipstick on and you realize as it's not your colour it goes the same for when you go to wear black or a colour that's not your colour. So go with that gut instinct when it doesn't feel right, but also if it's be sitting in your wardrobe with a tag still on or you've just never worn it take that as a sign it's not your colour.

So Colour A

nalysis, like I said, takes about one to two hours. You walk out with your swatch of 50 colors and about 15 of your signature colours which are really going to make you pop and stand out. So then when you go shopping, you save time and money, you will not be drawn to any of the colours that don't suit you, and you'll have a wardrobe of things that you actually wear. You will save yourself a lot of money with one investment of a Colour Analysis. So I'm going to leave that here as a Friday tip. There's a whole lot of tips in there. So take what you can from there, and I look forward to it.

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